The spirit of Christmas..
As a child Arthur was one of my favorite cartoon, that I watched over and over again on Minimax. I was so happy and nostalgic that I watched the Christmas part again this night. It remembered me of the “old” days, when I was a child I was mesmerized by Christmas, all of it, from the tree, decorations, the smell in the apartment, the good vibe, to the presents and the happy faces that I saw during the holidays. The Christmas part from the cartoon really shows us the importance of the spirit, that we have to be kind to others to help the people in need and to offer our very best during the holidays. Not to say that we have to be like this all year long not just one or two weeks or maybe a month. The episode shows us the different cultures that reunite all kinds of people together and the different habits that all cultures have.
Christmas nowadays, and the perception of nowadays kids.
The episode shows us that back in the days the kids were very excited about Santa, they wrote several letters, all of the expectations were lower than nowadays, and those kids really appreciated all kinds of presents they got. Back in the days, those kids didn’t have sources of information and they didn’t ask for the last model of iPhone. All I wanna say is that nowadays kids can’t enjoy Christmas as much as “the old ones”. The fact is that we have to appreciate all kinds of presents because they come from the heart and it doesn’t matter how expensive they were or what brand is it.
The moral of the episode.
The moral of the episode is that you have to love and care about the loved ones, you have to share emotions with them. At some point in the episode, the producer shows us the perfect time during Christmas. The Christmas dinner. At that, all the family is together, and maybe your closest friends and that night is so so precious and we have to appreciate what we have.
This time maybe I was a little deep, but that’s how I feel about Christmas, nowadays it becomes so material and we forgot the main reason of the holiday, it's about sharing and caring about others.
How are you gonna spend your holidays this year?